● The three authors have traveled the islands from East to West, from the summer to the fall of 2014, following the harvests
■ Mario Reyes
(Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1975)
Graduated in Tourism (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) and received his Master’s degree in Viticulture, Oenology and Wine Marketing (Torras & Associates). Sommelier and General Manager at Enoteca El Zarcillo. He is a member of the tasting committee of the Denomination of Origin Gran Canaria. He founded Vinófilos Más que Vinos (Winelovers More than Wine), a project for importing wine from all over the world and selling it. Champion of numerous sommelier competitions in Spain (Ganímedes 2004, Torres Quiz Master 2005, Trofeo Custodio López Zamarra 2007, Finalista Nariz de Oro 2006, Sumiller Rioja 2009, Mejor Sumiller de Canarias 2011). Since 2008 he has been contributing on a regular basis to the magazine PELLAGOFIO.
■ Yuri Millares
(Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1961)
Graduated in Political Science (1984) and Sociology (1987) from the University Complutense de Madrid. Since 1991 he has been traveling the Canary Islands, researching, photographing and writing about popular culture, oral history, ethnography and activities of the rural world of the islands. He received the Award for Best Informative Labor of the Year from the Department of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Fisheries and Food of the Government of the Canary Islands in 1997 for his wine series reports “The Itinerary of the Senses.” He is editor-in-chief of the local issues magazine PELLAGOFIO and has also edited the collection “Five Stories with Recipes” (Gourmand Award for the Best Cookbook Collection in Spain for 2007).
■ Tato Gonçalves
(Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1952)
Freelance photographer (advertising, portraits, and landscapes). His work has been exhibited in numerous solo and group shows. Among the former, the travelling show Islamundi (2011 and 2012) stands out, with portraits of citizens from all over the world who are residents of the Canary archipelago, exhibited at San Antonio Abad-CAAM exhibition hall (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), and at Casa de los Coroneles of the Goverment of the Canary Islands (La Oliva, Fuerteventura), as well as the series Retratos 1993-2010 (‘Portraits’, 2010), exhibited at Cicca (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria). Since 2012 he has collaborated on a regular basis with the magazine PELLAGOFIO.