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Suertes del Marques. Original wines from plots that succeed all over the world
“In 2006, we decided to establish our own winery,” recalls his son Jonathan García Lima, director of Suertes del Marqués, on how they started buying …

Pagos de Reverón naturally sweet white
● This wine surprises with its originality, quality, and complexity. The aromatic profile reflects the fact that it didn’t age in wood

Pagos de Reveron dry white
● Another one of those white wines from high altitudes that surprise you and honor the well and ecologically cultivated Listán

Pagos de Reveron. Success factors: organic grapes from the heights and careful production
Eugenio Reverón Sierra purchased the winery in the estate of Los Quemados in 1947 in order to produce wines: the estate was equipped with a …

Vino Padre sweet aged red
● Another of the great sweet wines from the Canary Islands, even though less well-known because of its limited production and the winery’s preference not …

Monje de Autor red reserva
● A very trendy craze. The wine makes you fall in love with its delicacy, with a low-intensity color but unbroken and perfectly maintained

Hollera Monje red (carbonic maceration)
● Iconic wine that belongs to the entire archipelago, not only because of its unquestionable quality, but also because it helped to promote the wines …

Dragoblanco dry white
● This Listán Blanco is admirably consistent, with a very marked Monje character! On the palate, it is textbook-quality, with a well-crafted density

Monje. Traditional grapes at their best in very personal wines
The Monje family tree goes back five generations of ancestors who produced wine, to the remote 1750s. But the current winery has a more recent …

Marcelo organic red
● An example in which even the “imperfection” of a process that does exploit all the modern technological results in an emblematic, high-quality, and very …

Marcelo. The advantages of organic farming
La Casilla Estate, purchased more than half a century ago by the farmer Marcelino Gómez del Castillo, already had a small vine plantation, which its …

Marba aged red 3 months
● It has about all the virtues that a wine like this should have, even the discreet and proper use of good barrels

Marba rosé
● The rosé has an impeccable, intense, fresh rose color with a lot of brilliance, and an explosive bouquet of red sweets

Marba semi-dry white
● Very frank, very drinkable, for those who like sugary wines or those who like drinking a well-made wine as an aperitif without complexity

Marba. Carefully selected varieties, modern cultivation, and a great soil are the vintner’s “secret”
Actually, they were, and are, so successful that they started winning awards in 2002, and in 2014 he received ten awards in one single year. …

El Lomo aged red 3 months
● It reflects the personality of Listán Negro very well. The flavor is a Tenerife classic: mineral, reminiscent of dark fruit, roasted, and with slight …

El Lomo. Wines representative of Tegueste viticulture
The winery was founded through a series of coincidences that started when entrepreneur Félix Rodríguez asked oenologist Arsenio Gómez to help him “correct” his homemade …

Los Loros white aged in barrel
● Limited in production and difficult to find, it is the result of great work from a vineyard in Güímar

El Borujo. Balancing personal taste with consumer demand
Juan Franciscos Fariña Pérez’s winery has been a family tradition for several generations. “My father made wines for personal consumption, just as his father did …

El Ancon malvasia sweet wine aged one year
● Highly aromatic, it is heavily spiced and complex, as was to be expected from a variety of such high prestige and quality

Tagara dry white aged Marmajuelo and Malvasia
● This winery’s most original white: mineral, deep, with personality and very aromatic